Friday, 7 March 2014

Blog entry 5 - The end of prologue

Today marks the end of the prologue phase, unfortunately the end products were not complete on time. It saddens me we did not finish the film and game before the end of this 5 week phase. Despite not finishing on time it did help production prepare for the actual development. I felt I learned a lot working as a 2D artist. I learned how to pass content on to the next phase of production and most import; I learned how to work to very tight deadlines.

A lot of other exciting and interesting things happened this work too on the design side. I spent a lot of time design villain characters for one of the projects, basically I had to create a octopus character inspired by the Disney villain Ursula.
I worked on concept for a space cowboy planet, the planet itself would act as a mercenary hub where the toughest of the toughest come together to share stories. Here're the results!

The aim was to have half the planet to be shrouded in shadow this half would be the dessert while the other half would be covered in cities which would be in the light at all times.

On the production side I helped the modelling team adjust textures for character models for both game and film tie ins. It was a tedious job due to visible seams, but I did triumph!

Overall this week was useful teaching us valuable information relative to the production pipeline i.e. naming conventions, File management, working with other smaller teams. I did get to learn new skills Unwrapping UVs and to mention speeding up my workflow.

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