Friday, 21 February 2014


This week I spent a majority of the time creating environment designs for the film and game versions for the project. I also made reference sheets for assets which would be implemented into the cross media project.

The project itself is a dummy run getting the production team ready for when the actual production starts 4 weeks from now. This project aims to create a film and game tie in explaining the production and design pipelines and how communication is spread from on department to another.

This week I was made the lead design team little concept artist, my role included creating concept art for environments  and finalising character designs. The workflow was becoming too much but luckily I had assistance from 2 animators to lighten my workflow, they helped greatly to keep on track of deadlines.

Overal I enjoyed this first week on production; working as a personal concept artist for the lead team was refreshing, it felt nice getting back into concept art rather than 2D textures. The work also produced was exciting and challenging however deadlines were difficult to meet due to tight deadlines.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

blog entry 2 - Prologue!

-          For next 5 weeks, the production team will be designing and creating a film and video game. These 2 different mediums will illustrate the production pipeline and its working methods. The creation of this film and game is an exercise to prepare the production team for the official project starting 5 weeks from now.
-          The film shown to the students was an animatic produced by the design team, the production’s team task is to create a final film and Game which will be shown at the end of the 5th week. In the film Brunhilda is used as an example to help illustrate how a project is managed and completed by the team.
-          The production team is made up of six different smaller team working together to create this final product, this teams include:
-          Modellers
-          Riggers
-          Animators
-          Programmers
-          Technical artists
-          Level designers

My role as 2D artist will require myself to work closely with the design team and Modelling team. For the next 5 weeks I will be producing 2D assets such as Character and environment concepts, 2D textures and reporting to the design team for more tasks.

This week I worked with two 2D artists generating character concepts and reference sheets for Brunhilda and character who will represent each role in the production and design team.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Blog entry 01 - And so it begins

For the next 5 months I'll be over in Denmark, Copenhagen two Eucroma (Link:
I'll be working as a 2D artist on a cross media platform with many other students from across Europe. Let's hope This'll be fun!

This first week was  spent getting to know everyone attending Eucroma both students and production board. 
I was tasked to present myself with a 60 second presentation informing fellow Eucroma participants about myself, my background, what I specialise in and what I hope to achieve at the end of this experience. I enjoyed introducing myself I felt I covered my background and my personality over to everyone.

 Once introductions had been done and dusted it was time for the team exercise (Oh joy).
I worked with a team of 3D specialists and 2D artists much like myself to develop a concept presented to my team; The task was to design a game concept involving Brunhilda riding a segway fending off zombies with her trusty spoon (I know what you're thinking. PURE GENIUS I KNOW!)

My team set out designing and c
reating Concept art depicting Brunhilda and he mighty spoon of justice. The aim of this exercise was to test our communication and problem solving skills.
At the end of the week the team successfully created many 3D assets and concept art including art for Brunhilda, the zombies and the environment. My team presented the work produced including a pipeline and working methods to the Eucroma Board.

Overall this week had been a success learning how to work to short deadlines and understanding a teams strenghts and weaknesses.